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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Chairman Darrell Issa R-Calif.| Has Issue IRS Bonuses

NASHUA NH - Last week, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) took issue with the IRS for paying bonuses to several employees who had been disciplined for wrongdoing. This kind of problem, he said, doesn't exist in corporate America.
"In the private sector you don't get bonuses, pay increases and promotions right after you've done something wrong," Issa told CBS.
It's hard to defend the IRS on this one, but Issa's critique doesn't seem quite right. Click on the video below to find out why.*

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rand Paul defends Cliven Bundy: "The federal government shouldn't violat...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Camp Lejeune Victims get their Day in Court

     Erin Brockovich rallies against the federal government's support for what they say is a known polluter on Capitol Hill April 23, 2014 in Washington, DC. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

 Activist Erin Brockovich and hundreds of Marine Corps veterans protested outside the US Supreme Court today as the judges heard oral arguments that an electronics company at fault for polluting drinking and bathing water at Camp Lejuene that injured thousands of US Marines. The Supreme Court case,  CTS Corporation v. Waldburger, more...

ABC News

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

60 Minutes 60 Trillion Dollar Story

It began with a terrible bet that was magnified by reckless borrowing, complex securities, and a vast, unregulated shadow market worth nearly $60 trillion that hid the risks until it was too late to do anything about them. "This is a full-blown financial storm and one that comes around perhaps once every 50 or 100 years. This is the real thing," says Jim Grant, the editor of "Grant's Interest Rate Observer."

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Kellie Pickler | Michelle Obama | In Nashville?

Featuring Michelle Obama and Kellie Pickler? Casting the first lady in a tv show with the country star may at first look off. But when she appeared  “Nashville,” ABC's new show, was to help military families, it’s good . The beginning of the show, to show May 7, in Fort Campbell, Ky., it is a part of the 3 anniversary of their Military Forces initiative, Michelle Obama with Jill Biden are going to speak on Wed.

Friday, April 18, 2014

NH State Senate Week In Review | Death Penalty

Pic of the week!

Nashua,NH - Week in In review: Concord,New Hampshire yesterday the NH State Senate voted down the repeal of

the death Penalty. The vote was 12-12 with the deciding vote cast by Sen. Russell Prescott, R-Kingston.

Although 58% percent of Granite Stater's were for the repeal they voted it down,in the words of Chairman

Buckley, "you have again ignored the will of your constituents". The majority of Granite Starer's are in favor

of the minimum wage increase by a whopping 76% and this bill was passed by the house but a similar bill was

struck 13-11 in the NH State Senate, that law future is still uncertain or is it? Marijuana decriminalization

is supported by a whopping 69% (i believe it is more) yet the NH State Senate has refused to even hear the

marijuana bill. For the Gambler's out there looks like you will have to travel to MA, or CT to spend your

money in other States. Hey they got to put their kids thru school too! They may have even been able to lower

your property taxes. Are you starting to see a pattern? Are the lawmakers you voted for representing you or

their own interests? So why not take a chance this November, it is quite obvious voters have to take a hard

look at their incumbents this year hey, it doesn't look like we could get any worse?

 And yeah, the gas tax overwhelming voters were against and now we have to pay $.04 more for twenty years thats if they don't extend it!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Criminal accused of Throwing shoe at Hillary Clinton released

MANCH VEGAS — A Phoenix woman accused of throwing a shoe some 50 feet toward Hillary Clinton appeared aware during arainment by  Secret Service agents of the allegation against her, authorities said Last week.

Alison Michelle Ernst, 36, was given  summons and freed after she was on bail at the Clark County jail, according to a LV police department more...

Putin & Sarah Palin Phone Call on "Tonight Show"

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Obama: Osama bin Laden Dead - Full Video

Denis Leary's Red Sox Memories - Late Night with Seth Meyers

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Romneycare Vs. Obamacare: Key Similarities & Differences « CBS Boston

The less-than-smooth launch of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchanges, coupled with the recent revelations that many who purchase health insurance on the individual market are receiving cancellation notices, have some Americans wondering if the new law can work. President Barack Obama points to the success of Massachusetts’ health reform as evidence that, despite a rocky start, the law will work to provide near universal coverage to the citizens of the nation. more... #li #nhpolitics #gop #dem #nhsen

Romneycare Vs. Obamacare: Key Similarities & Differences « CBS Boston