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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Romney’s Crooked Business Dealings at Bain

Nashua, NH - Romney’s Harvard background may not be a plus in this second run at the GOP nomination. A recent 30 minute video has surfaced with details on how his venture capital company, Bain, was a front to flip companies for a profit. This type of corporate takeover has been banned in one form or another over the years yet the Harvard educated alumni figure out the loopholes and legally steal the companies assets.

If you buy a company for 5 million dollars and the retirement fund has 25 million these corporate crooks will write themselves a check for the whole retirement fund amount and then put the workers out in the street. You don’t have to worry about getting robbed in the ally at knifepoint you need to worry about the four eyed snidely from Harvard stealing your entire life savings. That is what the republicans are after next is the social security that was promised to the baby boomer’s.They are going to return that social program to the states and wash their hands of it. If you vote republican this year and you are not in the over the 250,000 dollar income level and above then you deserve the inevitable consequences. We need 4 more years of Obama just to reverse the damage of the crooked Bush regime. Rick Perry, a Bush clone has been a joke candidate, Santorum has taken more special interest money then all the Senators combined, Jon Huntsman was more interested in showing debate watchers he spoke Chinese (big deal), Newt Gingrinch had his hand in the till for many years (way to much baggage), Ron Paul, If you want to see more gridlock just vote for him.

Just get out and Vote! (8 votes separated the Iowa caucus)

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