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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Obama: Very Pleased With GOP Debate

Nashua, NH - The Nevada debate only made the options clearer for every American regardless of their party. Cain’s inadequate 999 tax plan was exposed for just what it is; a catchy campaign phrase. Rick Perry proved he was more incompetent than his mentor, George Bush. Romney well he is so wishy, washy, he would be better suited for starting a snake oil company. Ron Paul, he gets high marks for telling it straight up as he blasted the rest of the field for blaming the victims (middle class), unfortunately most of his views are as unobtainable as Cain’s 999 plan. Michelle Bachman, she was definitely talking to her Tea Party and although these people mean well they are seriously misguided bunch and should join the with occupy wall street movement. Newt Gingrinch showed why is he was such an effective speaker of the house, very knowledgeable on how things really work in Washington, he has a likeability problem. Finally, Rick Santorum shows he does not have the leadership qualities to be President, he kept raising his hand, like in school implying look at me I am the race too.

The GOP is way out of touch with the problems of main street Americans. They have lost the support of all unions both private and public, the field is stuck on this trickle down mentality that has erased the entire middle class. They did not even touch the subject, social security last night, 50 million seniors were looking for assurances. The latino community did not get any kind of answer on how they would be treated by the candidates. I have never seen a debate where the so many questions were not answered. Maybe Anderson Cooper is not as good as Wolf Blitzer at being a strict moderator.

Overall, President Obama has to be pleased with these knuckleheads, they tripped, they stumbled and not a single candidate stood out as a frontrunner. Out of this field I do not see anyone matching up with the sitting President. I predict President Obama wins the 2012 election by default.

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